live roll case, 24" wide x 27' long, 2-way cant kickers, kickers are air powered, very good condi...
live roll case, 32" wide x 15' long, rolls are 6 1/2" dia, good working condition Make: Unknown | Stock numb...
roll case, 24" wide x 16' long, hyd/ gearbox drive, some rolls have spirals, air powered pop-up s...
roll case, 24" wide x 43' long, electric drive, comes in 2 sections, includes spiral section and ...
rollcase, pop-up rollers, perfect for putting in a transfer deck, 16" wide x 7' long, foot pedal ...
Roll case/ transfer deck, rolls are 30" wide x 38' long total length, transfer is 52" wide and 38...
roll case/ transfer deck, rollers are 30" wide x 19' long, transfer is 52" wide, electric drive, ...
Mellott roll case 24" wide x 15' long, no power, very good condition Make: Mellott | Stock number: 9197
Roll case 24" wide x 19' long, 81/2" dia rollers, hyd drive, heavy duty and in good working condi...
Roll case, 24" wide x 19' long, hydraulic drive, very good condition Make: Unknown | Stock number: 9187
roll case approx 24" wide x 30' long, end section has spirals, good working condition Make: Unknown | Stock ...
Mellott Mfg. conveyor system consisting of; One (1) 8” x 30” x 14’ long – 6 roller with hold One ...